Beit Midrash Maayan for Women

Maayan is a beit medrash (Jewish studies center) that operates on Wednesday evenings in the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood.

It has about 35 women, single, married, students and elderly women.

There is a scholarship program for some of the woman learning in the beit midrash.

This program was formed after the May riots in Lod. Women tried to create a place of growth and resilience of the spirit while connecting with Torah depth and togetherness with women who went through this very difficult time.

They felt that during the riots they received support from many factions of Am Yisrael, so they wanted to build a torah learning program that appeals to as many shades of religious orthodox women.

The Beit Midrash since it opened did not stop for a moment from being a Torah and spiritual center in the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood and will hopefully, continue to grow and prosper