Talmud Torah Elementary School “Maoz Chaim”
The Talmud Torah Maoz Chaim started its eighth year in 2021 with over 280 students. This year we are blessed in seeing graduates of Maoz Chaim learning Torah in higher institutions in and out of Lod. On Yom Yerushalaim 2021, Arab rioters entered the school and burned three classrooms in the Talmud Torah.
Despite these difficult times, we felt that God was and is with us more than ever.
In a very short period of time after the destruction, the Talmud Torah structure was renovated and the sounds of Torah learning “from the mouth of young children” returned stronger than ever.
Our understanding that the Talmud Torah is at the heart of our nation and is our sacred right and duty to maintain and to strengthen, accompanied us throughout these difficult times. Thanks to the City Council of Lod, the school has currently moved to a new building in the Gani Ayalon neighborhood in Lod.